Monday, April 25, 2016

DISCUSSION: It's not you, it's me: a letter to all the books I have DNF'd in the past week

Dear all the books I have DNF'd over the past week (you know who you are),

I just wanted to apologize for breaking up with you. And I wanted to say: it's not you. It's me.
I know we seemed to be getting along, but I was having a few issues.

See, I had just finished reading the Harry Potter series for the first time and I was having a hard time moving past that very intense relationship. Because of that, I had very little patience for books that didn't hook me from the very first page.

Maybe I should have taken a break from reading after the intensity of Harry Potter. It was my fault, really, for getting involved again so soon. But taking a break from reading just felt so . . . . blasphemous.

When you didn't suck me in from the very beginning, I tried my best to trudge along in the hopes that things would get better. I really did. I thought that maybe I could force the chemistry and maybe I would find myself completely addicted.
Then my mind would start wondering and I would realize that I had read five paragraphs and had no clue what was happening. It wasn't you. It was me. My attention span was awful. I started thinking about what I wanted to eat for lunch or what I had to clean or what was going on with Survivor last week or worse yet, what book I would read next.
Yes, I am sorry to say that I was emotionally cheating on you with other books. I'm really sorry.

Eventually, I just had to face the fact that I was just bored. There was no chemistry, no fire. But I promise: it's not you, it's me.

You are meant to be read and meant to be enjoyed and meant to be loved. And judging by the Goodreads ratings for some of you, there are a lot of people who do love you.
I'm just sorry to say that person isn't me.

Maybe I will try again with you guys one day when I am in a better place. Maybe I won't. But please know that my impatience with slow beginnings and my lack of attention has nothing to do with you.
It's not you. It's me.

Have you ever had to break up with several books in a row? 


  1. Sounds like you needed a break between HP and other books!! Sorry you were in a DNF phase. I haven't had a phase where I broke up with a bunch of books but I have slowly gotten through a bunch when I should have put them down and took a break. Hopefully things pick back up!!

    1. Grace, you are so right! Looking back, I should have taken a break from reading. But I guess I had high hopes that I would be able to continue my reading streak.

  2. Yes!!! So much grief over DNFing a book. I didn't used to feel this way, but I suppose that when it is a requested for review book I feel obligated somewhat. I am really trying to give those ones that don't fit with my tastes a chance, but there are too many other books calling my name. Cute post! <3

    1. You are so right about the review copies! I feel 1000% more guilty if it's a review copy, which is why I try my best not to do it. But sometimes a book just isn't for me.

  3. Oh I'm sorry you are in such a reading slump, Cynthia. I can definitely see why though. The HP books are great and I only read them for the first time this year too. I sincerely hope you are able to find an epic book to the standards of HP!

    1. Thanks Nick! I finally found a book that made me feel some sort of emotion (besides boredom) so that I could finish it. Yay! I hate those slumps though. They suck!

  4. hahaha Cynthia! this is really funny :) I should do something like this since I'm a professional DNFer :) because like you say It's me most of the time me and my ADD Dory's reader brain :) Great Post

    1. Thanks Daniela! So glad that someone else has this issue too. I hate it when so many people love a book but my stupid brain can't focus enough to enjoy it. D'oh!

  5. Ha, book hangovers are the worst! Although I have to admit that sometimes when I DNF a totally is them and not me :)

    1. So very true Nereyda. There are times when I know that it's totally the book and NOT me. These last books though . . . I don't know. So hard to tell. I hate book hangovers so much!

  6. lol! Ah yes, been there. I feel bad for the books that come right after excellence.

    Btw, what a great blindside on Survivor last week!:D

    1. Christy, so true. I feel bad for them too! And OMG, I was NOT expecting that on Survivor. Blindsides are the BEST! They make the show that much more entertaining. :)

  7. Yeah, that happens sometimes. Especially after reading AMAZING books. Taking a break between is sometimes the best bet. I hope you find some that work better for you soon!

    1. Thanks Candace! I finally found something, which is awesome. I think that next time, I really need to listen to my gut and just take a break.

  8. I know what you mean! I hate DNFing,but sometimes it's amazing. It's all about taking time to let some of that guilt go and accepting it may not always be the book, but just what you're in the mood for.

    1. Thanks Shelly! You are so right about that. Normally, I have a lot more patience with slow books. But after reading Harry Potter, I was in no mood!

  9. Omg firstly: GIF PERFECTION. And secondly I love how you said "emotionally cheating on you with other books" 😂 😂 YOU MAKE ME LAUGH SO MUCH, OMG.
    ahem, but anyway, to answer your question: Nope! I really want to be able to DNF?! But I honestly never do. Eeeek. It's definitely a problem. I get stuck reading books that I LOATHE when I could save myself a lot of trouble by just tossing them. >_> I need to learn to do this!

    1. THANK YOU CAIT! I am sure you know that writing blog posts is 10% writing and 90% finding the perfect GIFs. I am so happy that I succeeded! And oh man, I USED to feel like I could NEVER DNF! I felt like I was missing something if I didn't finish it, regardless of how much I hated it. But then I started blogging and my TBR started growing so much more. I am already in danger of being crushed by it all. I just can't waste my time on books that aren't doing it for me.

  10. I'm team DNF as much as you want! But it's so hard for any book to measure up to Harry Potter, so I can understand why so many books are failing you right now. I hope you find something soon that captures your attention.
    Fun post!

    1. Thanks Trish! Yeah, Harry Potter was AMAZING! I knew it would be hard to follow that series. I really should have known to take a break, but I just didn't want to.

  11. Great post and I so agree with you and get it -- I have had those moods where if the book doesn't grab me on the first page, I am out -- and it could be several books before I find something. DNF can sometimes be about mood and that is always okay!

    1. Eva, you are so right about that. Maybe I will go back to the book when I am in a different mood, but maybe not. I just wasn't feeling it.

  12. Ahhhh but HEY HARRY POTTER. Good reason for a book slump I suppose! Honestly, I have not DNFed books in a row, just only a couple here and there. If I do end up DNFing, I try to read a different book that I have REALLY been looking forward to. Or have you tried to reread a favorite? (Maybe not Harry Potter, haha)

    1. Valerie, yeah I actually decided to reread a book that I loved after Harry Potter. It did help . . . . a little. Reading slumps are the worst. :)

  13. Ahh, the dreaded book hangover. That's the issue with finding that great book (or series), it makes all the books you read after just not as good. Sometimes times help and sometimes I just start a whole bunch of books and hope one of them will help me with my slump, haha.

    I hope you get out of your reading slump soon! (Glad you loved the HP series, though!!)

    1. Thanks Cyn! Luckily I am out of my reading slump now but it took way too long.

  14. I LOVE THIS! So I assume you liked Harry? I don't know what to make of that, since we are book twins. I read the first one a few years ago and was BORED. So Idk. But you know I am the WORST at DNFing so even when I WANT to DNF stuff, I basically do not. But if you are not feeling them, then it isn't worth bothering. I think you'd know if it was at least something you'd want to come back to.

    Also, you are WAY nicer than me, I always blame the book ;)

    1. Oh yes, Shannon I ADORED Harry Potter! Ahhh that sucks that you were bored with it! Does that mean that Harry Potter is that one in a million series we actually have different opinions about? Craziness!

  15. Oh, Cynthia, this is rather bitter-sweet... I think two is the number if books I put down in a row. I think it can happen, and I also think that it's not ENTIRELY your fault. There is such a thing as a "right book" and a "not-so-right book"... Just be patient and careful about choosing your next read. You'll get over this soon :)

    1. Thanks Ramona! I think I should have just taken a break after Harry Potter but I felt so bad about that. I mean, I really need to be reading ALL THE TIME. Ha. Luckily I am out of the slump now so all is good. :)

  16. Love this little break-up note. Sorry your reading hasn't been going so well since Harry!!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction
