Can you believe we are almost at the end of NaNoMoWri??
Good news: As of today, I will be making my 50,000 word goal. If all goes well, they will be written by the time this post goes up!
Bad news: I still have a good 10,000 or so words left before my novel is finished and I don't think I will be able to finish this month. I still have a lot done though, so I won't complain.
My goal was to at least make my word count by the 24th because my husband and I are leaving on the 25th for a long weekend trip. I am happy I made this goal.
Shay at The Story Goes was kind enough to tag me in these two NaNoMoWri tags. I thought I would take a break from my writing to answer these questions.
First NaNoWriMo Tag
1. How many times have you done NaNoWriMo?
This is my first time!
2. How did you first find out about NaNoWriMo?
I don't remember . . . I think someone mentioned on Facebook a couple of years ago. I always wanted to do it, but I finally got the motivation this year. My wonderfully supportive husband is the one who has been pushing me the hardest.
3. What was the name of the first novel you
attempted with NaNo?
I am so bad at coming up with titles, but the tentative title for my current book is Starving.
4. Give us a 1 sentence summary of what you’re
writing this year.
The exact specifics of my plot keeps changing (yes, it changes even now). The basic synopsis is this: Emma is a lonely sixteen year old girl who hates living in her own skin and spirals into an eating disorder.
5. What’s the best writing advice you’ve ever been
I guess the best advice that I have heard time and time again this year is to just write and don't worry about editing myself. The whole no editing thing has been tough.
6. Did you ever take a year off from NaNo? Why?
Since this is my first year, I guess you could say that I have taken the past decade off. Ha
7. What's your biggest inspiration when figuring
out what to write?
My imagination! Really, I hate this question. Sometimes a book idea just pops into my head. One idea I have was inspired by an episode of Law and Order: SVU. Maybe that will be one that I work on next year?
8. Read us the first sentence from one of your
I'm so sorry. No, that is not my first sentence. That is me apologizing because I am just not ready to share my work yet. Maybe another time. I am way too self-conscious right now.
9. Why do you love writing?
I love the power of creating characters and getting them to do whatever I want. I feel like I am a God! Muwahahaha
Next Tag
Write Fuel: What do you eat or drink while writing?
Usually just ordinary water. Sometimes, I will eat an Italian pocket coffee. Those are little pieces of chocolate with a shot of Italian espresso inside. HOLY YUM!! Too much caffeine can give me a migraine, so my limit is one. My husband can always tell when I have eaten a pocket coffee. I am super duper hyper.
Write Sounds: What do you listen to while writing?
whatever is on TV, usually Bob's Burgers or Family Guy or even Friends reruns, depending on what time of day I am writing
Write Vice: What's your most debilitating distraction?
The Internet!! There were a couple of days where I kept surfing the Internet after only writing a few words.
Write Horror: What's the worst thing that's ever happened to you while writing?
Nothing, so far (knocks on wood), but I did have a scare. I typically save my book in two places: my desktop and my external hard drive. One day (about 27,000 words in or so), my computer went wonky and the screen went black. We had NO IDEA what was wrong. Luckily, we were able to reboot it and were able to get it back up and running. But I was panicked because I realized that I hadn't backed up my book to my external hard drive in about 10,000 words. Lesson learned.
Write Joy: What's the best thing that's ever happened while writing or how do you celebrate small victories?
Not really sure about the best thing that has ever happened thing. The main victory I celebrate is meeting my daily word goal. The way I celebrate is to read a book. Yes, I celebrate my writing victory by reading someone else's work.
Write Crew: Who do you communicate with or not communicate with while writing?
I don't really communicate with anyone while I am writing. I am a solitary writer. My husband can see when I am writing and he is nice enough to give me space during that time.
Write Secret: What's your writing secret to success or hidden flaw?
I can't even tell you my secret to success, mainly because I don't have one. My hidden flaw is dialogue. I have realized that I am horrible at it. Sometimes, I just let my characters say the first thing that comes to their (my) head. Some of the dialogue is good and some will need to be edited.
Write-spiration: What always makes you productive?
Setting a goal. If I have a word count goal, I am usually very good at making it. I tell myself that if I don't feel like writing after my goal is met, I can read or surf Facebook as a reward. More often than not, I end up writing more than my goal.
Write Peeve: What's one thing writers do (or you do) that's annoying?
I guess the one thing I do that may be annoying is talk about how bad my work is. I am sure my first draft is far from being ready for publishing, but I know there is some good stuff there.
Write Words: Share one sentence from a project, past or present?
As I wrote earlier, I am way too self conscious to share any of my work right now. Maybe getting some self confidence is in order.
I tag anyone who is participating in NaNoWriMo to do these tags!
Tell me . . . are you participating in NaNoWriMo? If you are, how are you doing with your goals. You can add me as a buddy here!