Monday, June 6, 2016

DISCUSSION: Signs you have a crushing TBR pile

As a book blogger, huge TBRs just come with the territory. It is kind of expected. But sometimes the TBR just gets to be too much.

Signs you have a crushing TBR pile:

1. While reading, the only thing you can think about is which book you will read next.
2. When you do finish a book, you have so many books to read that you can't make a decision about what to read next
3. You have nightmares that you are crushed by your TBR pile (or you have nightmares that the ebooks you haven't read have come to life and are mad at you for letting them languish on your Kindle)
4. You have legit fears that you will die before you read all the books on your TBR pile.
5. You dread reading certain blogs because you just know that reading a positive review by them will mean adding one more book on your TBR list.
6. You try (unsuccessfully) to avoid buying books and requesting ARCs because you want to clear some off your TBR list.

Is there anything I missed? What are some other signs your TBR pile is crushing you?


  1. YES to all of these! I have so many books on my TBR and it only seems to increase by the day. I need to get into the habit of not buying books until I've narrowed down my TBR to a smaller number, but I have no self-control. Darn book bloggers making me want to read everything!

    1. Nick, aren't book bloggers the WORST (but also the best)?!? I told myself I wasn't going to buy any new books for a couple of months so I could get my TBR under control. Ha, I should have known. I have no willpower!

  2. Yes to all of these!! I have a problem. I cannot turn down an ebook on sale that is on my wishlist. So I now have an alarmingly high number of ebooks on my kindle. I also don't want to even get into ARCs which I need to stop requesting! Great post!

    1. Me too Grace! I kept telling myself I would refrain from buying books, but then I would notice an ebook sale on Amazon! If I have a book on my wishlist that goes from $9.99 to $1.99, HOW CAN I SAY NO TO THAT???

  3. I can pretty much relate to all of these! Every time it feels like the list is going down I end up going on other blogs and finding more stuff to add, so I'm pretty sure I'll never actually get through my TBR list. I'm currently between books now, and am really struggling with what to pick next, as there are just so many I want to read right now.
    Great post!

    1. Me too Laura! I don't even have any confidence that I will get my TBR below triple digits. I try to make myself a list of books to read for the month, but I always end up reading books out of order or ones not on the list at all. I have so many books to read and my moods keep changing!

  4. Last month, I added 21 books to my pile while only reading 4 books. How's that for crushing?

    1. Ouch, Joy! You definitely did worse than me last month! Last month, I read 28 books but then bought 24 (I had several Amazon gift cards burning a hole in my pocket). So I guess I can be happy that my TBR is four books shorter. I feel your pain.

  5. #4 and #5 - yes! I do often skip reviews, so I don't have to add another book to my list. :(

    1. Kate, me too!! I have done that way too many times, especially with certain bloggers. Argh.

  6. I live in fear that my TBR shelf on Goodreads will outgrow my Read shelf. I occasionally go in and add a few more books I read before GR just to stay ahead of the game.

    1. Wendy, hahahaha I have no doubt that will happen at some point. I just wish there weren't so many amazing books being released!

  7. YES THIS LIST IS 100% SPOT ON. I suffer from them all. I THINK I CAN SAFELY DIAGNOSE MYSELF WITH CRUSHING TBR SYNDROME. *dies* I spend literally aaaages deciding my next read. Trying to figure out which library book is due back and which ARC should've been read 9 years ago and which of the books I've bought should be read before I accidentally see spoilers. *flaps about trying to do it all*

    1. Cait, we should start a support group for everyone suffering from crushing TBR syndrome! We can commiserate together and have meetings where we talk about all the books we added to our TBRs. But then we would be in the position of finding out more books to add to our own personal TBRs. Argh. We can't win!! I like your way of thinking: I HAVE TO BE IMMORTAL JUST TO SPITE MY TBR!! I will conquer it one day!!

  8. I sometimes spend more time choosing what to read than I do reading.

    1. Got My Book, argh me too! I am a fast reader so I have no doubt I do that sometimes.

  9. Dude, I do ALL of these. I am fairly certain that I WILL die before I read them all. No exaggeration. There are just too many already, and then you KNOW there will be more! And obviously #2 is me. SO much me. Speaking of... I have to go pick a book to read! :D LOVE this!

    1. Shannon, yeah I think I am slowly accepting the fact that I will die before I read all the books on my TBR. Maybe I should create a book bucket list . . . books that I really want to read before I die. Or is that too morbid?

  10. I relate to this so much, oh my gosh. Particularly 1,2 and 6. Constant guilt all the time, especially if I decide to reread something too! Haha. Slowly but surely trying to work through my physical TBR this summer. I have to clear off some shelf space and find out if I have any new favorites lurking that I should have read long ago! :)

    1. Morgan, ahhh I am trying my best to slowly work through all the books on my Kindle. But it's so hard!! There are just SO MANY!

  11. YES! I seriously start to feel panicky when I think too hard about my TBR - or all of the books that I WANT to read that I know I'll never get to. It's a true psychological issue!

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

    1. Me too Nicole! I swear, I start to have mini panic attacks every time I think about it. So crazy.

  12. I have more fun planning my TBR list than reading sometimes because PLANNING to read makes me feel like I have actually done something about this horrible pile. Also, everyone you know makes a comment about your wall of books. You hide it from everyone, like Smaug and his gold, because they don't understand!

    1. Lyn, YOU ARE SO RIGHT! I do make a list of stuff I plan to read over the next week or so and just the thought of getting those cleared off my TBR list is a great feeling.
